
A Letter, a Warning and Christmas Presents

The following email just got delivered to 9,320 church-related email addresses in the United Kingdom.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to warn you of what’s to come and bring you two Christmas presents that I hope will help equip Christians globally to defend against the disaster that I believe will bring about the economic catastrophe described in Revelation 6:6 on a global scale.

I wrote a rather emotionally charged open letter to churches earlier this week, but after the humbling events that took place in the last few days, I have learned my lesson and decided to tone down the language that I use in my writings. To put it simply, I have gone from dropping theological nuclear bombs to sprinkling extra-potent salt.

I believe we are less than two years away from an economic disaster brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will result in over 90% unemployment globally. You can read about my argument and reasoning in my posts titled “DEFCON 1”, “On Aerodynamics”, “On Unemployment Rates and Inflation”, “On the Middle East”, “On What I Think Will Happen” and “On Throwing Up”.

Despite the grim outlook of what’s to come, I believe the following Christmas presents will help Christians globally to put on the full armour of God as well as preach the gospel to unbelievers, considering the suffering that is to come.

Project Bible Says Love (BibleSays.Love) is a helper tool to help Christians live Bible-guided lives. It is meant to be a helper tool only and should always lead the user back to scripture and the importance of context should not be neglected.

I also constructed a theological/philosophical/epistemological argument that I believe proves faith precedes reason. You can read about the argument in my post titled “On Faith Precedes Reason”.

You can read about my journey in the rest of the posts. Apologies in advance for some of the language I used. I was rather emotional when I wrote them. I decided to prioritise truth and honesty over appearances and kept the good, the bad and the ugly.

Here is my final message to you. He is coming back. There will be hard times ahead. Please hold onto your faith and best wishes.

For Love and Devotion,

From Your Fellow Servant,

Jonah Troublemaker Yang

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