
On Aerodynamics

Suppose I want to save some drug addicts with keywords like portfolio, manager and analyst in their job titles from overdosing this bonus season by sprinkling some extra-potent salt to bring them back to life. I was too lazy to work out the math myself, so I cheated again using ChatGPT and you can find the results below.

TD;DR: I can just sprinkle the extra-potent salt over the River Thames on a windy day.

Btw, based on how quickly I put project Bible Says Love (BibleSays.Love) together using ChatGPT, I figure the drug addicts have around two years before they start claiming jobseeker’s allowance. My personal opinion on AI tech is it will help the top 10% do the job of the 90%, if not the top 1% do the job of the 99%.

Are you in the top 1% of your profession? If not and you don’t want to claim jobseeker’s allowance in two years, then my Boss has got an offer for you. You can accept the offer without telling anyone and secretly try overemployment. The welcome pack comes with a mankind’s best seller. 😉

Feel free to ignore this if your work is harder than aerodynamics. 🙏🫶😘

If you are a landlord thinking you will be fine by collecting rent, then all I can say is good luck with that when 90% of tenants are on benefits. If your tenant is in the top 10%, would they be renting from you?

For UK residents: link

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