
On the Dangers of AI 🚨🚨🚨

I noticed something that’s probably a legacy of the COVID pandemic - almost every church livestreams their services now. I have also noticed that I’m usually one of a handful of people in the congregation who carries a physical bible with them (normally I carry 3 in my backpack, but over half a dozen if I’m crossing any national border).

There’s a British mystery thriller TV series called The Capture. And I believe we are probably less than 2yrs away from #AI tech that can modify super-duper high definition livestreams and can do so at a massive scale both technologically and financially. Whatever bible app you’re using on your mobile device is one automatic app update away from someone with malicious intent changing the Word of God to suit their own political agenda.

To summarise, please get your lazy ass to church this weekend and get a physical bible please. Leave it on your bedside table, and you also have a handy projectile in case of a break in. It might catch a bullet or two if you unfortunately reside in the great US of A. 🙏

Disclaimer: absolutely no shares in publishing houses nor receive commission on bible sales. On the contrary, I keep shoving them money in exchange for bibles. Could someone at Thomas Nelson tell them to hurry up with restocking? I don’t wanna wait till May 2025 for more to arrive. 🫠

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.