
On Faith Precedes Reason

This is a summary post for the theological nuclear bomb that I believe proves faith precedes reason.

Explain like I’m five: On Giving People an Existential Crisis

Theological Manhattan Project: On a Theological Nuke

Trinity Nuclear Test: On a Theological Nuclear Fallout

The bombing of 652 theologians/philosophers/mathematicians/physicists: On Fat Man, Little Boy, and Dr Modest

Disbelief as a paradox: On Disbelief

Simulation hypothesis equals theism: On Simulation

Useful reading: On Scientific Materialism, On Walking on Water, On Rationalism

Pastor Xander from the Hong Kong Baptist Church informed me that I stand in the line of many church fathers: Fides quaerens intellectum.


I’d like to give special thanks to Wealdstone Baptist Church, where I got the inspiration for the last piece I needed to finish building the theological nuclear bomb when I attended their Alpha night for the first time. They serve great food btw. I would also like to thank my atheist friend whose persistence challenged me to work out the argument. Rest in peace my friend, rest in peace. My apologies to everyone who I bombarded with messages and emails to forcefully solicit feedback. I know I’m a lot most of the time.

Lastly, thank you, my Lord. Thy will be done.

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