
On More Interesting Coincidences šŸ¤”

The full address of Rosebay Naturist Camping is Lordship End, French Drove, Peterborough PE6 0PP.

The chapel at Keble College, Oxford is quite famous for a painting by William Holman Hunt called The Light of the World. A larger replica hangs in St Paulā€™s Cathedral, London. The one hangs in the side chapel at Keble College, Oxford is the original.

According to Wikipedia, John the Baptist and Jesus were relatives (according to the Gospel of Luke). So the two are technically next of ā€œkinā€.

Dear Lord, Iā€™m sorry, but excuse me? Could you let me finish reading the bible first please? šŸ¤·

Feel free to let me know if you know what the heck is going on. Because I donā€™t know what to think anymore. šŸ¤¦

Also, does anyone happen to know what He would do when He comes back according to mankindā€™s best seller? Cause I canā€™t seem to find anything on the script written/dictated by the King of drama.

What would you do if this is your life? Any advice anyone? Pretty please? šŸ¤”

Surely this is all just one gigantic coincidence right? Right???

Edit: I would really prefer not to have a messiah complex!!!

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