On My Faith and My Homosexuality
Just some random thoughts on this topic and might extend on it later as I read more scripture.
I don’t consider myself to be a former homosexual just because I consider myself to be a Christian now. I was, am, and will be a homosexual in this life (hopefully not rampant anymore) and I have known about my sexuality since I was 11 or 12, but at the same time I will not try to justify my sexuality because it’s indeed against God’s wishes. I consider my sexuality part of my share of sins that my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died on the cross for, and part of the cross that I am taking up in order to follow Christ.
Frankly I don’t know if I will be able to have the strength and will power to resist the temptation of falling again in the future, and it would be hypocritical for me to claim otherwise. The only option I have, is to have faith in Him and ask Him for strength and courage daily in my prayers to overcome the temptation. I realised I’m no longer walking on this earth alone even when I’m alone. I have Him walking with me now and I can lean on Him rather than going at it all by myself. We do fall out and argue almost everyday, but annoyingly He’s never been wrong so far and I roll my eyes at Him a couple dozen times a day. I always end up having to swallow my pride. 🙄
I do consider Christianity’s stereotypical attitude towards the #LGBTIQA+ community to be rather hash from an outsider’s perspective. However, if murderers and criminals can find salvation through Christ, then why couldn’t my community find salvation through Christ? After all, the Father is annoyingly loving and forgiving, I would encourage everyone to keep an open heart when it’s late and peaceful at night, and give Him a chance to show you His love. Dude managed to make me feel more loved in a week than anyone including my parents ever managed to make me feel my entire life combined. I have never felt more loved/loving, trusted/trusting, and brave/fearless my entire life. And as always, that annoys the heck out of me. 🙄
Lastly and in hindsight, perhaps it’s not such a good idea to call the movement Pride. Also why didn’t anyone tell me this collective hallucination is that good and can help you live worry free and sleep like a baby everyday???