
On My Insanity

After proving my insanity in a previous post titled “On My Sanity”, I’m going to prove my sanity with a bit of church history.

I went bothering the Chaplain of Regent’s Park College, Oxford after finding out the college was founded by Baptists, and Chaplain Beth suggested that I should perhaps read about the early Church Fathers. I found out that Augustine of Hippo converted to Christianity after reading Romans 13 at the age of 31.

I went all-in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour on the Sunday six weeks ago after reading Romans 1-4. I didn’t even know the book of Romans was written to the Romans when I opened my bible. I thought it was written by some dude named Roman since the old/new testaments are full of people’s names. 🤦‍♂️ Somehow Romans 1-4 read like a letter written to me personally that morning, because they told me what I did wrong and why I’m not righteous. The only plausible explanation I could come up with for a letter on mankind’s best seller to read like a personal letter - God.

Pastor John at the Chinese Independent Baptist Church, San Francisco informed me that Martin Luther converted after reading Romans 1.

Maybe I’m not that insane.


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