
On My Pride

If you asked me what my thoughts were on religion prior to September 2024, I would have told you that I consider religion to be a collective hallucination of sorts, and a byproduct of evolution that brings about social benefits via community and companionships. The holy book is probably a collection of stories written by some really wise folks and some smart people in history did some overthinking and therefore we have the various religious institutions.

I came up with the fancy words above without ever reading a single book in the bible. I didn’t even know what the old/new testaments were when I got my first bible. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

Oh Heavenly Father, please forgive my trespasses. The end product of the first 27yrs of my life seriously deserves burning in hell for eternity. 😭😭😭

I’m not gonna quote the bible in this post, so Eminem will have to do. 😭😭😭

River – Song by Eminem

I’ve been a liar, been a thief

Been a lover, been a cheat

All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me

Well, little one, I don’t want to admit to something

If all it’s gonna cause is pain

Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain

So let the river run

Edit: I studied 4 undergraduate degrees in maths/physics/compsci/philosophy/arts, turns out the truth is all written on mankind’s best seller. 😭😭😭

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