
On Prayer

I came up with the following template at the beginning of my journey.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

Thank you my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for your sacrifice, love and devotion, to absolve me of my sins and transgressions.

(Insert what I want or what I want to say to my Father)

In the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙏

I switched to the shortened old English version because it’s easier.

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come.

(Insert prayer content)

In the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙏

I think of the Holy Spirit’s presence as the double blue ticks in WhatsApp. If He’s present then I take it as God read my message, but He does things at His own perfect timing so I have no idea whether He will act on it or when. 🙄

He does read most of my messages though. I think the hit rate is 95% or something. 😘

I believe He will read your messages too if you do it with a pure heart and right motives. 🙏🫶😘

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