
On Thou Shalt Send It

I went to a Christmas Eve service last night and had communion for the first time. I cried.

I also spoke to the pastor in depth about my plans to send my warning to as many people as possible. The pastor advised me to ask the Lord for confirmation if I’m feeling uncertain and there is no need to be afraid of asking.

I just read a post from one of the chefs who served me dessert last week and they were boasting about the ability to trade a certain chemical element with atomic number 92 on a new financial platform they just launched.

I have all the confirmation that I need.

There exists a database with up to 14+ billion email addresses in it. I figure I can reconstruct that database within a year.

I have got a couple billion warning letters to deliver.

Matthew 24:14

[14] And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

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