
On We All Die

As mentioned multiple times previously, I noticed the “rational” “thinkers” who would not even remotely contemplate the existence of a righteous God, even after I had cornered them with reason and they had no more rational ground to stand on. One of the common ways for them to bury their head in the sand is by stating we are all going to die anyway.

If I have to take a guess, then statistically speaking, I think it is fair to say not many of us have come face to face with death before or have seen a dead body. If that is not the case for you, I’m sorry for your experience and hope you have recovered. Unfortunately, my following argument will not apply to your case.

If you have not seen death before, then may I ask how do you know for sure you will die? My guess is you have heard about it since the beginning and have probably seen it depicted on television and in books. Well, guess what? So is my Boss.

Once again, I hold a negative sentiment towards eternal life due to the events of the last 15 months, and frankly, I couldn’t wait to nap for eternity. I’m still highly annoyed about some motherfuckers fucking up the first proper holiday I took for myself last April.

It appears to me that “we all die” has become a slogan and justification for the terminally ill from nihilism to justify doing whatever the hell they want and be indifferent to the suffering of others. And they have the audacity to claim that is how the world works and blame human nature.

I constructed this argument hoping you would become aware of your insufficient thinking in epistemology. Once again, please read the first two chapters of René Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy.

Suppose you still want to argue about the possibility of eternal life for argument’s sake and assuming you have submitted any academic assignment online. What is the most prominent warning message you will receive before submission? If you believe you are a purely “rational” “thinker”, then may I ask whether you have read and understood every single chain of logical reasoning, examined every piece of experimental equipment, and checked the validity of the data in the scientific publications that you “believe” in?

Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy employed methodic doubt and is arguably the granddaddy of modern scientific methods. Could I make a personal plea for you to shut the fuck up and educate yourself before spewing out illogical nonsense for the sake of attention? Thank you.

I’m sorry for the choice of language again. I’m screaming partly for my own enjoyment and partly for their benefit. They might not be complete idiots; salvation could still be possible with some shouting.

Edit: add more reading material for the stupid fucking idiots since no one really does real shit any more and needs to be spoon-fed.

If you are:

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