
Why Christianity?

Some statistics regarding the world’s top two religions.

The Bible - estimated 5 billion printed copies.

The Quran - estimated 1 billion printed copies.

If I were to choose a collective hallucination to partake in, and the No. 1 is five times more effective than the No. 2 in human history, it’s a no-brainer for me to go for the No. 1 first considering the contingency of the situation. Even someone with an ego as big as mine doesn’t think I’m wiser than the 5 billion people who made that decision.

When I was 20, my good friend Vaibhav Agarwal asked me who do I trust the most in life, and my answer was I don’t even trust myself. I didn’t realise until recently that my life is a trust paradox by definition. If I can’t even trust myself then by definition it’s impossible for me to trust anything at all. But somehow He made me go 100% all-in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour on the Sunday little over 5 weeks ago after reading Romans 1-4, and subsequently chased Him around the globe in 3 weeks. I think impossible and possible are synonyms in His dictionary. I heard some rumours that He also specialises in miracles.

I did wonder at the beginning when I was still exploring my faith, why didn’t one of the eastern Gods come to the rescue and it’s Him instead. I spent the first 16 years of my life in mainland China and the last 11 years in the U.K.. I was literally contemplating the possibility that I have been corrupted by western ideology so much that their God is my God now. I previously thought God’s business is God’s business, I’m human and I mind my own business, until I almost killed myself because of people and He came to the rescue. Which only reaffirmed my believe that He is the one true God.


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